Multifile assemblies, on the other hand, are composed of numerous .NET binaries, each of which
is termed a module. When building a multifile assembly, one of these modules (termed the primary
module) must contain the assembly manifest (and possibly CIL instructions and metadata for various
types). The other related modules contain a module level manifest, CIL, and type metadata. As you
might suspect, the primary module documents the set of required secondary modules within the
assembly manifest.
Исходя из этого сборка это все таки набор бинарников каждый из которых называется модулем
Assembly is a collection of one or more files
that are versioned and deployed as a unit. An assembly is the primary
building block of a .NET Framework application. All managed types and
resources are contained within an assembly and are marked either as
accessible only within the assembly or as accessible from code in other
assemblies. Assemblies also play a key role in security. The code
access security system uses information about the assembly to determine
the set of permissions that code in the assembly is granted. See also:
private assembly, shared assembly.
Use following link for more details.
как создать multifile assembly? программа для редактирования сборок.